
Hello, I see you. Here's a sample of my most recent projects.

Mix & Pix Store

Mix & Pix Store

An e-commerce solution offering personalized apparel, integrating Shopify for seamless online retail, enriched with user-driven style customization.

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Full Circle Health & Wellness Website

Full Circle Health & Wellness Website

A modern, content-rich blog and resource hub for holistic health, built using Next.js 14 and TypeScript, and powered by Sanity CMS for streamlined content management and delivery.

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Student Assistant Chat Bot

Student Assistant Chat Bot

A simple Whatsapp bot for guiding students built with Twilio as the messaging client, Google's Dialog flow for intent filtering, and runs on a Node.js server.

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GraphQL e-commerce API

GraphQL e-commerce API

An e-commerce API that runs on a Node.js server and uses GraphQL as a query language. Optimizes CRUD operation queries and provides support for product reviews and ratings..

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AWS Serverless Expense Tracker API

AWS Serverless Expense Tracker API

A serverless AWS expense tracker API. AWS Lambda functions, API gateway, and Dynamodb are among the components. Supports basic CRUD operations made possible by AWS lambda functions. Built with Node.js.

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Social Media API

Social Media API

A social media API that manages user account creation with access tokens, post creation, update, and deletion, as well as upvotes and downvotes. Built with FastAPI and powered by a Postgres database..

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Bookmarks Manager API

Bookmarks Manager API

A bookmark manager API that allows for simple bookmark management. User creation and authentication with access tokens, adding bookmarks, updating, deleting, and viewing existing bookmarks are all features. It also offers bookmark link visit tracking and statistics.

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Threaded Replies App

Threaded Replies App

A Python Flask app with a MySQL database that implements a nested/threaded replies commenting engine. SQLAlchemy is used as the ORM.

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Web Scrapper

Web Scrapper

A Basic Web Crawler. Using a URL and an HTML tag supplied by the user, scrapes the page and returns the total number of elements fetched before displaying the scraped results.

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Mema Africa Website

Mema Africa Website

Official website of Mema Africa, a boutique consulting firm that provides businesses with value-driven marketing solutions.

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Itesyl Technologies Website

Itesyl Technologies Website

Official website for Itesyl Technologies, a fintech company that provides real estate banking services.

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Kodeec Website

Kodeec Website

Kodeec mobile app website. Kodeec is a simple, secure, real estate banking app by Itesyl Technologies.

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